Love Appreciation

Life is not about each moment...But the Moments that Take Your Breath Away

Life is not about each moment…But the Moments that Take Your Breath Away

I wanna take a moment to talk about Love and Appreciation.  We all go through relationships on our road of life.  Some of them Good, some Bad, some Terrible and heart wrenching and the most Awesome of them all, the Love where you don’t think you will ever come down off of cloud 9,999,999,999 lol.  At the ripe old age of 46, I can tell you from personal experience I have been through each of those Love’s More than once.

This goes for men and women, even though I can only speak from the woman’s perspective.  As I mentioned in an earlier post about relationships titled “What Are You Allowing” I talked about how so many people grow up in single parent homes and the fathers, for whatever reason, are not a part of a child’s life.  To teach the boys to be men and how to treat a lady when they get older.  Nor to teach us girls, how we should be treated as ladies by a man.  I said “What you choose to Allow, you Give Permission to Exist“.

Today, I want to talk about the love that has you on top of the world.  I don’t care how great and wonderful your relationship is or how Awesome your partner makes you feel.  At some point in the relationship you are gonna hit a bump in the road or even head on into a brick wall.  That is part of life.  There is no running from it and No relationship is perfect from beginning to end.  When that rough time comes what are you gonna do?  Are you gonna say “Screw This” and give up even though you have been on the proverbial “Cloud 9” for a year or 2 or are you gonna dig your heals in and Love each other through it?

I am a Huge fan of R&B music, so needless to say I probably know just about every love song, break up song and baby making song they play on the radio & even more that they don’t that friends have turned me on to.  But there are a couple that just speak to me.  One that I’ve been listening to lately by Justin Timberlake, Mirrors.  He says “I don’t wanna lose tonight, I am looking right at the other half of me…….Show me How to fight for Love….coming back to you was easy once I figured it out, you were right here all the long“.  Yes I know I missed a Lot of words in there but I got the most important ones to get the point I am trying to make lol.

First, you need to figure out are you Really In Love, because if you’re not, what is the point in being together?  Staying together just because you don’t want to be alone is NOT the right decision (Please refer to your previous relationship baggage to figure out Why this is a horrible Idea).  Now, if you are in Love and you know deep down in your gut there is just not another person on this planet for you, then you have to Dig your heals in and Fight to hold on.  Like JT said in his song, “Show Me How To Fight For Love“.  Most guys don’t know how to fight for Love! Hell, most of them honestly don’t know How to express/show their love much less fight for it. (Sorry fellas *Shrugs*)  We can ALL be a pain in the behind.  There is gonna be things that you do that he hates and things he does that you hate.  Period!  The problem is that we (and Ladies I am talking to you right here) tend to over react on the little stuff so when the big stuff comes up…O-M-G!! Mt. Saint Helen’s has just erupted and you think there is No coming back from that, even though, just the day before, you were on cloud 999,999,999 and this was the man of your dreams.

Sometimes, you have to just Love each other through it.  You may not like them very much at the moment, but You Love them Way more than you dislike them.  Before you throw in the towel, I want you to do something for me.  Take a deep breath, let it out nice and slow.  Now, grab a pen & piece of paper.  I want you to write down Everything you APPRECIATE about your significant other. Their eyes, their hair, the way the walk, the sound of their voice, that they like to snuggle, He takes the trash out without you asking, She has dinner ready when you come home, the house is always clean, random text messages saying “I was just thinking of you and wanted to say I Love You” or a random picture message of what she has on waiting for you to get home (vavavavoom!)…you get the idea. Over the next 30 days, I want you to write at least 5 things Everyday that you APPRECIATE about your significant other.

I promise you this, that if it’s a Deep Real True Love, Then that list is going to be long and nothing else matters.  Know that it’s okay to be wrong.  It’s okay to say your sorry even if you know that you were not wrong.  It’s okay to ask for forgiveness even if it is something little.  But Always, Always Always…Say Thank You for Loving Me even when I wasn’t very loveable. Always Say, I Love You! Even when it hurts, your angry, upset or whatever.  Because even though things aren’t exactly the way you planned them out in your head a thousand times, you still Love them and more than anything else They Need to Know That in the Darkest Hours of your relationship.  Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a mystery, today is all we have so don’t let the breaths of each moment slip away when there is an opportunity for it to be turned into a Moment that Takes Your Breath Away!  That is when it ALL Becomes Worth it!  Show them how to fight for Love!

Hope this touches someones heart as it was weighing heavy on mine and needed to come out tonight!  Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to hear my heart tonight!  #BeBlessed


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